Even If You’re Using a Shared Wi-Fi, You’re Still Protected
Every time you surf the internet through a business device, any related information to the business is exposed to being tracked. To have a safer internet navigation experience, iNetwork Solutions delivers VPN services that mask your device’s IP address. You become an anonymous user when the VPN encrypts your data. It’s routed through secure networks to servers away from your original location. VPN Solutions help you relocate yourself to avoid being followed by a hacker. Now, you can work remotely in a more safe environment through data encryption, which provides an additional layer of privacy. This makes your business's shared network secure and protected against intruders.

VPN Services Safeguard Your Shared Network
Logging into a work digital network using a personal device at home exposes private information and business documents to corruption. Using VPN servers will hide your identity and any possibility of system hacking through your device. All shared files, communication channels, and other collaboration forms with your colleagues are kept secure.Effective Access Control
Not all data is accessible to all employees. Access is granted based on the team hierarchy that every employee knows and accepts. Every user who needs to display data will have to verify their authorization before access is delivered.
Safe Transactions
Keeping your financial transactions protected is crucial. iNetwork Solutions helps you hide your personal identity from any outgoing traffic. No one can track your business's financial transfers and transactions.
No Slow Down
No longer will you experience data throttling. The internet service provider will not slow down your service and will keep it running as quickly as it did before you used a certain amount of data. This occurs with the help of VPN Solutions.